Varicose veins

Varicose veins - a disease associated with an increase of deformation, and the formation of the nodes of the veins near the surface of the body. Most often seen in the legs.

varicose veins

The disease is seen in 20% of women and 10% men around the world. The disease in its early stages, it rarely bothers patients, but it is full of great danger to the life, because in any moment you can be thrombophlebitis. Blood clots that form in the veins can break off and move through the bloodstream to vital organs and cause death.

Varicose veins are caused by weakness of the wall and the valve system of the patient. This system circulates the blood through the veins of the legs to the heart, but the dysfunction of the valve that there is a stagnation of blood in the legs and increases the pressure. As a result, the veins become large, weak, and its form is disturbed.

Varicose veins often affects people who have a genetic predisposition. In addition, the risk of developing the disease increases in people who are overweight, pregnant women and people who spend a lot of time standing. The factor that has most contributed to the development of the disease - the aging process.


The disease has two forms (primary and secondary).

The primary form of the disease is associated with weakness or a violation of the wall venous. Factors that cause this disease are pregnancy, obesity, congenital weakness of the connective tissue, a prolonged stay in a standing position, and also to carry stockings with tight bands of elastic.

The symptoms of the primary form of varicose veins:

  • fatigue, heaviness, pain and burning feeling in the legs;
  • itching of the vessels;
  • swelling of the ankles or feet.

The secondary form of varicose veins caused by venous outflow disorders, as well as trauma and tumors.

The symptoms in this form are:

  • swelling of the feet and legs after prolonged standing or sitting;
  • pain in the legs and calves;
  • skin changes (increased dryness, discoloration of the skin, reducing the thickness of the skin);
  • night cramps in the legs;
  • trophic ulcers.

Causes of varicose veins in the legs are:

  • inherited weakness of the blood vessels;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • prolonged static load;
  • hormonal disorders and hormonal drugs;
  • leg injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • weight lifting, overload;
  • Smoking.

Also, at risk are:

  • the athletes of the classes are related to a great burden on the feet;
  • the members of the professions that spend a lot of time standing (barbers, teachers, waiters and others);
  • those who work sitting, especially to people who are in the habit at this time to throw a leg over the other;
  • women who wear heels;
  • lovers of coffee and alcohol, as these foods cause dehydration, and thus thicken the blood.

If at the end of the working day appear mild inflammation and a person feels heaviness in the lower limbs, this may signal the start of varicose veins in the legs. In addition, should alert periodic cramps and pain in the calves. And eye noticeable symptoms of varicose veins usually begin with the appearance of spider veins, then there are irreversible processes in the large veins.


treatment of varicose veins

The treatment of the disease consists in the use of drugs to ease the condition or improve the tone of veins. In addition, it is recommended to take vitamins (A, b,C, E) and minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc, lecithin). For the treatment of varicose veins we recommend the use of methods such as:

  • microwave resonance therapy;
  • UHF (wave therapy);
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture,
  • electroacupuncture stimulation.

However, in severe varicose veins performed sclerotherapy or surgery. Sclerotherapy is an exercise of special injections of drugs, which leads to overgrowing of varicose veins, and the surgery involves the removal of the increase of the veins.

But experts recommend that a regular exercise easy prevention of the disease:

  • avoid prolonged sun exposure, not to get involved, hot tubs and a sauna, as it reduces the tone venous and leads to the stagnation of the blood in the legs;
  • lead an active lifestyle, lots of movement and exercise.
  • to control your diet and limit the amount of salt consumed;
  • wearing tight clothes socks or stockings with tight elastic bands, as this leads to compression of the veins;
  • do not wear tight shoes and heels;
  • not to throw a leg over the other, do not stay long in sitting or standing position;
  • to take a bath of contrast;
  • eat foods rich in fiber to avoid constipation, which also cause the appearance of varicose veins;
  • to do daily self-massage of the feet,
  • carry out therapeutic and gymnastic therapeutics.

Varicose veins of the pelvis

Varicose veins of the pelvis is a pathology, which is found mostly in women in age of having children.

There are two variants of the disease: venous plethora of the pelvis and varicose veins of perineum and vulva. This separation is conditional, since more than half of the cases of varicose veins of the pelvis perineum and vulva causes of the deterioration of the exit of the blood from the veins of the pelvis and Vice versa.

The starting mechanism of development of disease is pregnancy. Although the predisposition to the disease can be detected before pregnancy through ultrasound.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the specialist determines what treatment method to apply: conservative or operative. Varicose veins of the pelvis 1 or 2 degrees often apply conservative therapies (for example, physiotherapy). And in the absence of effect of conservative treatment or in the presence of grade 3 disease, surgical intervention.